Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is an action-adventure video game that is based on the fifth installment of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling and the film of the same name, for Game Boy Advance, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2 , PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, and Xbox 360. It was released in June 25, 2007 in North America, June 28, 2007 in Australia and June 29, 2007 in Europe. The theme of the game is to explore Hogwarts and follow the story from the book and movie. EA encouraged fan participation in the development of this game, and worked with a fan council. The game returns to the sandbox style of the first three games rather than the action-oriented Goblet of Fire. Similar to any sandbox, Hogwarts is fully explorable most of the time, and there are "discovery points" that provide rewards to the player, which can be activated by completing side missions. Furthermore, there are battles between groups of students, as sho...